Even with the high tide there were a few guys out and quite a couple of fun waves rolled in. Unknown rider nabbing a nice left on his backside.
A few spongers were out taking advantge on the conditions. Check out this one finding a nice section in the inside.
Another unknown rider dropping in late on one of the bigger sets of the day. Way to go pal!!!
Riley was ripping out there. He caught some of the better waves of the day. Here he is going big with a cool little floater.
Happy Friday everyone! Welcome to an action packed surf report from Colorados. There were a few gems to be had both here and at Pangas today.
Hi and welcome to our daily surf report. Today we went to the beach in the morning trying to score some fun waves. The waves were super fun, running about waist to chest high on sets with nice offshore winds and the water was a fresh. Check out the lineup!!!