We want to say hi to our very good friends athttp://nicawaves.com/for another great year. Lots of waves, sweet vibes and plenty of barrels. Stop by their place nearby Playa Popoyo and spend a great experience with them. Gerald and Mike will make your stay a great one!

The waves keep running in the small waves but we are no complaining about it. We are still having a great time on our big pangas. Styling off!!!

There were a few locals shredding on the shortboards. Here is caught Chompipin going big with a 180 spin reverse!

We had a longboard fest out there this morning. Yeewwww!!!

A few chicks were ripping on the big pangas as well. Wakalacaapata!!!

There were waves for everyone out there. This unknown surfer was killing it on his little fish.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

What’s up folks, the high tide was in the morning and brought us very nice waves, perfect to end this year with good memories. The water is a little cold but very clear and waves were very consistent.