Even though it was such a nice day, the line-up never got too crowded and everybody was sharing waves. This is Gerardo “El Mope” Miranda, laying into a nice little right.

It looked so fun out there, I decided to take out the twin-fin and catch a few. Thanks for the cool shot Jairo. You gotta love having your own photographer!

As usual, there were a couple of cute girls having good time on the beach and taking advantage of the beautiful weather. Here we have Kati Pattersen from Canada spending the day with “Occy”, Ashley’s dog.

Edwin “El Tuzo” Morales was out there too, scoring some good ones. He’s really been working on his style lately and it shows. Here he is with a great spray. …and I’m still trying to figure out what “El Tuzo” means???

Ashley “La Cenicienta” Blaylock paddled out and caught a few fun ones. Actually, I think she fell on this one (check out the front foot), but the photo looks pretty good. Ashley will be headed to the International surf contest in Panama with the rest of the Nicaraguan National Team on Wednesday. We’d like to thank everyone who helped support this trip. Through generous donations, NSR has raised $1583 so far!!! We still have a couple more days to collect donations. Every penny really helps, so please help us if you can!

Here’s a cool shot Jairo took of Pedro “El Cacaste” Flores. Man, that one almost looks like it’s barreling! (Remember, Pedro is only about 4′ tall) Also remember that both Jairo and Roberto are available as personal surf photographers this upcoming surf season. Hire them during your trip and take home a bunch of cool shots like this one.

If you look real closely, you’ll be able to see the new and improved “Durty Sanchez” (yes, they accidentally spelled it wrong) parked in the Bay of San Juan Del Sur. That’s right folks, we are going big this year – so big, this is as close as we can get to the dock! Wait until we pull up at Playa Colorado in this thing!

Try this the next time you are in Nicaragua – get some of that really good, expensive sunscreen. Explain to a local surfer that the sun is VERY STRONG in Nicaragua and that it’s a good idea to put a little of this on your face before spending the whole day at the beach. Make sure you watch them as they put on “a little”. Try not to laugh when they ask you “how do I look?”. Armando “El Codo” Lopez ladies and gentlemen.

For those of you who don’t know, this week is the biggest holiday of the year here in Nicaragua (and in all the other latin american countries too). It’s a week long celebration of Easter called “Semana Santa”. People come from the ends of the earth to spend their time at the beach this week. We’re talking cars, buses, bikes – whatever people can use to get to the beach. SJDS is going to be Mayhem. Here’s a shot of the beach in town today – check out the super structures they are setting up for this week’s upcoming beach parties! If you are up for an adventure, come on down and check us out!

Alright folks, we’ll leave you with a shot of some “Unknown Pale Rider” going off the top. There’s a bunch of stuff happening this week (Semana Santa, Panama Contest) and we’re supposed to have the same fun swell running for a while. Be sure to check back with us! Pancho out!