I got down to the beach and saw hardly anyone out. I did see Eliana and her friend about to head out, but I couldn’t figure out why only she was the only one that had a board?
Ahhhaa, she was about to be getting a lesson, and what a good day to do so! Go Eliana!!!
Come on’ pop-up, pop-up!!
You got it!
YES!!! Good job girl!
There wasn’t much for spectating today, but I did see a few beach people out despite the muggy weather.
Some would agree and say the waves and weather weren’t all that ideal, BUT I see stuff like this and picture Dane Reynolds or any of the guys on the WSL, completely shredding these waves to pieces. I mean look at that ramp section!!
This guys finding his inner D.R. for sure!
Ahhh a few more potential’s to help me make a decent surf report, I am hoping!
I wonder what they’re seeing over there..?
There’s a nice little shoulder. Maybe it’s picking up a little bit.
How’s that phrase go… “making lemonade out of lemons”? Funny Nicaraguan food fact for the day. There are no lemons here, literally the fruit. Nada. True story!
But that’s still a nice looking lemonade stand!
Funny thing about todays surf photos. I hand’t had very much high hopes out there while I was shooting, but when I got back here to edit the report and photos, I was surprised at how much better the waves looked in the photos than when I was down there in person.
Nice turn dude!
Lets check back and see how Eliana’s coming along.. I think she’s got the hang of this thing! Your mom and pops would be proud! Keep at it chica.
I thought it might be a good idea to maybe fly over (ok not literally fly over) but head on over to check out the waves from a different location. Lets follow the pelicans!
Hmmm.. still looking pretty onshore.
Not a whole lot better down this way either.
There was this one guy ripping over here though. Nice little slash on that sub par wave buddy!
I’m more a glass half full kinda person, so I say that still looks kinda fun. Definitely no crowd to compete with today.
Here’s another guy who seemed to be really enjoying these so-so waves we had today. Look how glassy that wave face is.
winding up for what could be a really good maneuver..
Sick one. Thank you for that my friend. Always good to have some decent surfing in the report!
OK well, we’ll call it a day and try and get some other work done for now, especially since the surf isn’t all that great. Maybe we will get that rain that feels like its coming soon and help clean up these conditions; and tomorrow we get back to our beautiful offshore perfect peeling barrels that we’re so famous for. Tomorrow’s hump day so check back in to see what Baldo will have for us reporting from up the way. I have a feeling it’s going to be good! See ya.
Hey amigos! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. This lady either ended up a bit later than anticipated or misunderstood what it means to get barreled haha! I’ve got to give her credit for looking at this wave though. You don’t know if you don’t go (or at least look at going).
Hello my friends. The tide is going out in the morning and the wind was light. So we were checking the waves to see if there are some decent waves and check it out. There are some fun waves.
Hello audience. Every day is a placer can show you one of our good waves of Nicaragua. I listen to the competidors talking and saying these is the best surf contest, for almost all of them. Just see the shape of this wave and the conditions of the offshore wind. The surfers never go to..