With the waves this small and soft, it was time to dust off the longboards and take them for a ride.

It’s not rare to see John Michael having a blast out there no matter the conditions… he knows it just a matter of having the right board.

Don’t worry if you don’t have or you dislike longboards, Colorado has always enough push for shortboards.

Even with small waves you could fine a barrel here and there.

No waves? no hair! Bruno decided to lose some weight before the upcoming Holiday season so, he took the easiest way and cut his dreadlocks… that’s probably around 10 pounds less! Well done bro!

If you ever come to Colorado and you find small waves but you only packed your thrusters to attack the barrels, our Shop have t he best selection of longboards (and shortboards of course) for rent in the area so, no need to worry, just bring enough cash or your credit card and we’ll take care of you.

Do you know that if you rent a board with us, you can switch boards as many times as you want? until you find the magic one of course.

Looks like tomorrow the waves will be maybe a little smaller so, start waxing your big board and join us in the water! Hasta mañana!

Hello Monday, The surf dropped off in a bit today, That’s ok for the reef break up the beach. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Welcome to the Saturday afternoon surf report. Today the waves were still on the smaller side, but the beach was occupied by all the Holiday travelers and locals alike as we had yet another fine Nica sunset.

Hey guys! Kevin here with today’s surf report. The sun was out and the wind was strong, but it was offshore all day and conditions were pretty good to surf.

Hello everybody and Happy Thanksgiving!! This is Parker signing in to share today’s (and last night’s) action with you. Before we begin, El Salvador had a 7.0 earthquake which trigged tsunami warnings at 1PM local time. Yes, we proactively evacuated but nothing happened. All is safe so we are continuing on with our holiday.