I rolled up to Long boarder heaven. Well, there were a few different types of surf crafts being ridden out there, but this amazingly talented chica on her big pink log got my first look and first sequence.

Her amigo and equally talented surfer was ripping on his aqua green log. Very very high performance surfing…!!

Of course nabbing more waves on a LB is going to give you more practice. How’d you like to come practice on this wave??

Esteban representing the shortboard crew. Driving hard on one of the Panga Reef’s notorious long right walls.

Here’s the slight varying difference between the two bottom turns.

And here’s one off the top you won’t normally see most long-boarders doing, like they’re riding a shortboard.

Or you can go completely against the grain and grab your trusty Foil!

I call this one….. a “collaborative hang ten”!!! haha

Foiling can certainly elevate your surfing to new heights.

Whereas the outside reef bombs can elevator drop you all the way down.

Yeaaaah, I’ll take a side order of fries with that Big Mac Floater!

But all joking and funny comments aside…. it was a pretty rad little last minute afternoon session!

Hey everyone! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were better this morning than the prior mornings, and were worse in the afternoon than the past few afternoons. So a bit of a change in the favorable windows. The wind was really light this morning and the crowd was nonexistent. Asher hard..

Hey amigos! Welcome to Sunday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was almost completely identical to yesterday morning. Low-tide and not many surfers out. The afternoon turned on again with the higher tide.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The first day of March 2025! Not a bad day in paradise and the water temp isn’t too cold. We’re off to a good start. The waves were smaller today, but it turned on in the afternoon. This morning was tricky, but the surfers made..