First up I saw the Springfield bros splitting this peak and knew it was gonna be good.

Mystery Barrel Surfer of the day!

Not sure who this fella is but he had his pig dog in full effect. Yeah dude!

John was getting barrels left and right.

His brother Josh is known for his pig dog but younger brother shows he got those backside skills as well.

Now you see him now you don’t haha but for real this guy kept disappearing behind the liquid curtains.

Nice ones broski!

Derek with the pedal to the metal on this juicy left while Tony catches the shot. What an amazing wave here at Colorado and so consistent.

The birds surfing the airstream on this empty hollow peeler. With the Costa Rica mountains in the background, what a sight.

Better sight is looking out from that tube after dropping in and tucking in with the water photographer boutta catch the epic shot.

Changing of the guards surf edition. Alright guys it was a really fun morning of waves and as i write this the winds have turned onshore and it’s not quite as nice out, so basically I’m trying to say if you wanna score tomorrow it may be the best call to get up early and see if those early morning conditions are good like today. Okay folks tune in tomorrow for Brian’s report and have a great day!

Hello Monday, The surf dropped off in a bit today, That’s ok for the reef break up the beach. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Welcome to the Tuesday surf report amigos. Sadly today we slipped into another onshore weather pattern with some heavy howling winds completely decimating all the good swell that has been pumping our shoreline the last 3 days.