For a lot of people it’s also another kind of special day… Happy 420!

The waves were really good this morning. It was cloudy and still a few drops of rain coming down really slow, and plenty of barrels for everyone.

There were barrels after barrels in every direction, everyone super stocked about the conditions.

Check out the size of this bomb! Intimidating but beautiful.

And now look at this cannonball! Big waves means also big wipeout!

Josh (i think it’s him) was killing it on the rights. Wave after wave he was going deep on those.
Here is Josh on the Wave of the Morning.

Those rights were hard to get, this kid can testify with his over-the-falls wipeout.

I bet the waves are still really good this afternoon, I should just finish this report and go find me some waves.

I hope you are enjoying this day, I’ll try to go do the same. Cheers!!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Welcome to the Monday surf report everybody! We have some new swell that was starting to show up today, but with it came a little bit of onshore winds.