We finally made it to the beach and there was another tree on the ground. Check out this lineup and see how it was! We had some serious wind down here, over 25 mph.

We had a few people in the lineup trying to get some waves. This is Bob “El Culebron” dropping on this sweet right hander. Nice background, isn’t it?

Nelson “La Bujia” was a little chilly today, so he was ready to start using his wetsuit. He was also super stoked with his brand new NSR sticker on his board. Here he is just steps away from fun, looking so proud!

The trees were not the only things that were flying away. This chair ended up in the ocean after a strong gust. Watch out with your head folks!!!

It is also so nice to hang out with your family, even if the waves are not very exciting and the wind is strong. Welcome down folks!!!

This France guy was not worried about the conditions we had today, he only wanted to get a nice tang. His wife is probably going to love him when he got back home, looking like cinnamon.

On the last shot of the day we have this unknown rider, picking up a mushy one. Hopefully the wind will die down tomorrow so we might score some better ones. Please check us back out!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hi and thanks for joining us for the Wednesday surf report from out here at Playa Maderas. Today we drove up to the beach in the morning and we found some really fun waves coming through. It was running about chest to shoulder high on sets, with offshore winds and the water super nice. The..