Nicaragua Surf Report for Friday, January 07, 2022

Welcome bacckk! It's a beautiful day here in NIca and I'm happy to be back bringing ya'll some gems from the day. After a few weeks of family fun time in San Diego I'm stoked to be back on my hustle.. if you can call hanging at the beach, surfing, and shooting the breeze with friends a hustle.. more like back to the dream life. Come check out some waves!

Daniel was locked and loaded in this one as soon as I pulled out the camera and just barely was able to catch a shot of that prime Nica real estate.

Local shredder Jeison was out at low tide and when I came back at sunset he was still out!!! Not sure if he was out there the whole time or just multiple sessions but def getting me psyched to paddle out.

New Year New Mystery Barrel Surfer

There were a couple of LB's out there getting in the mix as well.

One of those LB's belonged to the Legend and great guy John G, check him threading this one like the master weaver he is.

Finley enjoying his last day before heading back to the states for a few months, I'm sure he'll be back mid season to bag some bombs.

Fin turn #1

Fin Turn #2 Yeah bro keep shredding like always!

Okay thank you for cruising by and checking out some waves from the day! It's always bittersweet saying goodbye to family and friends but like Kerouac said "Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain." Only for us surfers it's Surf that goddamn wave! Haha love you all! Thanks for checking in.. see ya back here tomorrow!