Some fun corners this morning, but also some walled up waves too so you had to be a little choosy to score the right ones.

John G got the eye and sense for these waves and always finds some gems out there.

Jaime getting a morning shampoo. Yeeeew

Fin smacking the lip this morning trading waves with his pops and a couple of friends.

Speaking of pops here is Asher enjoying his morning session, especially after being out of the water for 4 months with a knee injury I’m sure he is super stoked to get wet again.

Launching off the knee high musher is def a head turner.

Finleyyyyyy Yeeewwww yeah buddy there ya go finding the wave of the session this morning! Looks like it should be a real fun few days of surf ahead so get out there and get some. Have a wonderful day! See ya back here tomorrow!

Hey hey amigos! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but a new novelty peak started working. I’ve dubbed it “Sterling’s Left”.

Hola and Happy Friday surfing friends! Today I managed to get down to the beach a little just past high tide and the waves were looking really sweet! Just a handful of friends out enjoying what Surfline was calling today 1-2 feet or shin to waist high. Haha I beg to differ, but you guys..