I ended up getting down to the playa a little later today and I didn’t know that the swell had jumped up so much, but as you can see here, we have our first decent swell for 2023!

Check out how clean the waves were out there for the arvo session!

Emi driving down the line on a super nice and LONG right!

Shoots….. I kind wish I went and checked Colorados after seeing this dude waaaaaaaaay down the way getting slotted! Definitely gonna have to check there first thing in the AM!

Sophie was the only gal out out of all 5 people I think I counted at the reef.

This was her first turn, and it looks almost like this wave is done, but this thing just kept going and growing and rolling all the way into the beach. I think she must of had maybe 5 or 6 really good turns!

Her hubby Doug, nabbing one of the super full tide main peak lefts. It was just absolutely perfect tee-pee A-frames!

With BIG open canvas walls for carving and having the time of your life, in Jan mind you. Not sure if this is what we’re getting from that massive swell that hit the whole west coast of the E.E.U.U all the way down to Mexico, but if so, I’m hoping we have even bigger swell tomorrow!

Judging by all the west swell energy, I am assuming it’s from that huge swell that’s making it’s way all the way down to us here…. BUT, this is what we live for! Deacachimba ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Good morning World! We have a bit of swell in the water and just a handful of lucky surfers out there enjoying these paradise vibes. Come check it out!

Hola and Happy Friday surfing friends! Today I managed to get down to the beach a little just past high tide and the waves were looking really sweet! Just a handful of friends out enjoying what Surfline was calling today 1-2 feet or shin to waist high. Haha I beg to differ, but you guys..