Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, January 08, 2024

Josh S

Monday's surf report coming to you! Another fun day of ways with swell in the water still and some wind cranking as well.

Josh S

The rights were shaping up pretty this morning. Much longer rides than the lefts and more face to work with.

Josh S

There were still some lefts to be had. Here we have the same rider as last wave releasing some fins with some fresh style.

Josh S

Mr. Jeison holding on for dear life on this cutback as the wind is trying to blow him out to sea. Can really see the white caps well in this shot.

Josh S

Who needs leg day when you can go and surf Panga Drops. Long rides, infinite turns, and hippity hops to stay on the wave. Leg burners at cutback city.

Josh S

Jeison cranking up for a big wrap.

Josh S

Bumpy face on this one. Little bit like Mario Kart out there with the wind chops.

Josh S

Big Scott back in the water. Can find him at the local fishing hole catching dinner when he isn't out surfing.

Josh S

Smallest wave of the report, but Jeison managing to let loose on the biggest turn.

Josh S

Churning up some wake.

Josh S

Closing the day off with a mind surf wave for you. Could definitely get some tube time on this one. Are you taking the left or right???