We had a nice crowd at the beach today but that it is nice because we are able to meet tons of people from all over the world, so we have a good chance to learn a little bit from other cultures. Here is one of the many international surfers we had out there, having a blast!

A few people decided to take the day off from surfing and chill out for a while. This is Steven living his dream down here in Nicaragua, ahhhhhh!!!

Pancho Sanchez had a chance to paddle out today and was having so much fun on the big and long softtop. He was trying to do some 360’s on that thing, but that is not easy. Check him out going backwards on this one, he almost made this one.

There were a couple of chicks charging out there in the lineup. Check out this one riding one of the cleaner set waves of the day. What a nice background, uh!

There were still a couple of waves to be ride on the shortboards and “El Mope” Miranda was there to destroy them. Here he is styling on this small but sweet left with a nice floater.

The waves are supposed to be about the same size tomorrow so make sure to wax your longboard up and paddle out. Check you later folks!

Before you know it the south swells will be pumping and we’ll be posting killer surf photos again. Now is the time to start thinking about the surf trip you want to take this year. NSR offers the best places in Nicaragua, walking distance to the best surf. We still have lots of open dates, but they WILL fill up soon. Don’t get caught having to book a place last minute. Make your reso’s now!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

The lineup wasn’t busy today, there were only about seven guys out trying to get some surf action and expecting to got shot and make it on NSR. Today Ashley “La Almejita Come Pan” Sartin was looking “styly” and was able to catch a couple of fun ones.

Hi friends, this is Jairo “Come Pan” Garcia with the surf report for today. I headed out to another surf spot around town. It’s chest to shoulder high on sets and the wind is offshore, (we are lucky to have good waves like this right now, because normally we’ve got really small waves and cold..