The local guys were commanding the lineup. Here we have one of them doing the best to have fun. Check him out riding on this peeler right.

I said before the waves were fun, but some other people decided to take a break enjoying of this sunny day. Look at this beautiful girl having a good time and reading this little book.

No many surf schools make you surf in your first day out. Just give us a day and we’ll teach you the right way to do it. Shoot is an email if you want to be part of this amazing experience. Rebeca with a solid ride all the way in!

On the last shot of the day we have this unknown surfer, he was trying to get some waves all afternoon long. Check him out looking good riding on this little nugget. Alright folks that’s all for today. Please check with us tomorrow!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hi and welcome to our daily surf report. This is Lucha Libre one more time bringing you all the action from the most popular beach down here in Nicaragua. The waves were small, running about waist to chest high on sets with nice offshore winds, making it perfect for longboards. Check out the lineup!!!

The lineup wasn’t busy today, there were only about seven guys out trying to get some surf action and expecting to got shot and make it on NSR. Today Ashley “La Almejita Come Pan” Sartin was looking “styly” and was able to catch a couple of fun ones.

Hi friends, this is Jairo “Come Pan” Garcia with the surf report for today. I headed out to another surf spot around town. It’s chest to shoulder high on sets and the wind is offshore, (we are lucky to have good waves like this right now, because normally we’ve got really small waves and cold..