Today our very own “Come Pan” decided to make it out to the beach and took the sponge to take a couple of waves. It looks like he has a new ritual before to go out. I didn’t understand exactly what it was but his girlfriend did. You guys have to figure it out as well.

This is Mike from San Diego looking down the line on this beautiful right. He rented out one of our many good boards we have and he had a good time with the NSR Family. He’s so stocked to find a killer board for such a good price. If you guys are thinking to come down and want to rent some boards jus send us an email because we have the best boards in town to make a better trip for you.

There were some amazing set waves that rolled all the way in with no takers as always. Check out this wave going both ways with no one on. What a shame!!! Our buddy D-lite would destroy this wave but now he’s in the United States visiting her daughter. We hope you are having fun dui dui!!!

On the way back to town we found this unfortunately event on the road. Please drive slowly, if you guys do not know very well the roads around because you can hurt somebody “including you”. The waves are supposed to be about chest high tomorrow with offshore winds all day long but we never know what it can happens so be sure to check back tomorrow with us and see what we score for you guys!!!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Welcome to the another surf report from out here at Maderas, it looks like we still have some swell in the water and the water is chilly. It is head high on sets and the wind is strong offshore. Check it out.