Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hello good afternoon. This is the Saturday surf report. The wind no have any intention to calm down and the waves are fighting vrs. the wind to come close to the beach. Some sets come every ten minutes, nothing amazing, but watch and think if you like this kind of waves.

Only two locals in the water. Here is Oswaldo make a cut back. He and his best friend were drinking before go surf, Not Red Bull ( Toña ).

Here is Oswaldo again trying to fit into this tiny tube, I know it is not a tube but I want to show you is not a excuse to not surf.

Making air too...!!! It is a little dangerous to try, but are possible.

After two six pack of Toña (El Guere) is ready to go surf. Congratulation to be the best worker from Rancho Santana 2014.

El Guere was part of the team of Rancho Santana, this year he will have a particular sponsor.( Flor the Caña and Belmont ).

Nick and Katherine from Maine USA. Are escaping from the cold weather and are here surfing in Nica Land. They using two of our fun shape surfboard, we will see how this go.

For use this 5'5'' surfboard single fin you need to have good style when you accelerate. Here is Nick in the bottom turn.

Going up in the lip. Looking for a floater.

Yeap, buddy. This is a good execution of this trick with good style.

Classic style, I was using that surfboard and is totally fun.

Ok. Amigos have a good Saturday night and be tuned tomorrow. Armando Lopez is out.