Rancho Santana is a sister development to Hacienda Iguana. Many owners in Rancho have property in Iguana and vice versa. Both are incredibly beautiful locations, however they each have a very different character.
Hacienda Iguana which we all know and love is generally quite flat. All houses have very easy access to the beach, being at sea level, and golf and surfing are the main draws here.
Rancho Santana on the other hand, is made up of hills. The draw of having property on Rancho Santana is the view. Being up on a hill, the views are insane! Houses are generally more private, occupying their own little private hillsides, and horseback riding is the main draw here besides surfing. While the access to the beach at Colorado is restricted, Santana is public access.

While Santanas is a very different wave than Colorado, both are equally good in my opinion. There wasn’t much swell today, but you can see the potential.
While Colorado is a very big, long wall, where the goal is to get on and pump down the line as fast as possible, you have to measure you speed more at Santana in order to take advantage of the wave.

It’s small now, but you can get an idea of the break here. It’s extremely peaky, unlike Colorado. When it’s bigger, the wave can reach double overhead on the biggest ridable sets. The wave kind of teepee’s and gives you a second to catch it – almost roll in, before it unloads. On the right tide you can get thick barrels.

This is a shot from the clubhouse at Rancho Santana looking down towards Mag Rock. That’s it on the left, and that’s the Mag Rock hostel up on top there. That’s one thing about Santana, the views here are insane.

Yup. Mind surf this. Imagine peaks up and down the beach, but twice or triple this size. That’s what it’s like when it’s on. And if you’re staying at Rancho, you can sit in any one of those chairs and mind surf in person all day. You can also just go down those stairs and surf it for real. The beauty is that it’s right there. You can scope it all day and go out when it’s best from the comfort of your condo or house.

…and if you get tired of surfing there’s always bocce ball.

Here’s an example of one of those views I was talking about …

Not only do you have the view, but you can literally be IN the pool while you scope it. The perks of being at Santana…

Mind swim….

Lucky for you NSR manages properties in Rancho Santana!! This is a new listing for us, the house is called Casa Rock. You can rent this place out on your next visit!

The house is a 3 bedroom and sleeps 6.

If you’ve been staying at Hacienda Iguana the last couple of visits, maybe you can check out Casa Rock, or some of our other properties here at Rancho Santana.Both developments are beautiful, but sometime’s it’s nice to get a change of pace.Both have beautiful properties and both have amazing waves right out front. The benefit of staying at Santana is that you’re just a stone’s throw away from Popoyo as well …..If you’d like more info on Casa Rock, check the link below.http://www.surfnsr.com/nicaragua-vacation-rentals/268911You can always email us as well at[email protected]for more information.

In any case, I made it back to Hacienda Iguana for sunset. Back down at sea level. It’s dope being on that hill, but there’s something special about being down by the sea where you can smell the saltwater and hear the waves crashing.

Also, if you remember, there was absolutely no one out at Santana. That wave isn’t always surfable. On the other hand, Panga Drops here was working. There’s always a wave to be surfed in Hacienda Iguana, no matter what size the waves are. That’s one of the things about living in Hacienda Iguana that you don’t get at Rancho Santanas.

That feel when you paddle back to the boat after an incredible sesh…

Still good

Yup. Some fun ones out there

Hilarious side note: Just to be clear, I like Rancho Santana, but IGUANA 4 LYFE. I hilariously spent the whole day touring Rancho with a Playa Colorado shirt on. Didn’t even mean to,that’s just the shirt I put on in the morning. REPRESENT** You can buy this shirt at the NSR shop btw ^_^ **

Since I’m already on that Iguana grind let me show you how we compare. This photo is taken at Golf Condo Unit P2A2, one of NSR’s EXCLUSIVE listings. Yes, this [turnkey] condo is for sale.The price of this condo is Price: $209,000.00 USD.I’ve been scoping out the prices over the last few months and this is quite a deal. The price was actually just recently reduced.

The golf condos are a great investment opportunity. Almost all of the long term residents of Hacienda Iguana are living in these condos. If you’re looking to live in Hacienda Iguana, this is a great spot. These units get rented out both short and long term all the time as well.

Lovely pool as well. I drive by here every single day at least 10 times. Every time I just want to jump in.

So there you have it!Sorry to jump around but I have one last little bit of info for you regarding Rancho Santana. Since the terrain over there is so hilly, you need a vehicle with enough grunt to get you up those steep ascents. I would recommend no less than a 200cc motorcycle like the one pictured or better yet a good car.A 125cc moto MIGHT be able to get one person around, but unless you have a lot of experience riding I would strongly recommend against it. If you have a passenger with you forget about it. A lot of people have stalled out and laid down their motos driving around Santana due to not having enough power or experience to navigate the terrain. Be careful out there guys

Anyway, that’s it for today guys! Hope you enjoyed the report. I’m trying to switch it up on my report days and show you a little more of what’s out in the surrounding areas. Hacienda Iguana, where Playa Colorado and Panga Drops are located, is a relatively small area compared to the rest of even the Emerald Coast. And it’s called the Emerald Coast for a reason. This area is insanely beautiful. If you guys have any requests, suggestions, or just want to say hello,emails are always welcome!!!![email protected]Anyway, have a good night guys, see you all again soon! Thanks for tuning in! As always, if you’re curious to check out more of my work, check out:My InstagramMy website<--- lot of quality contentLater!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

It’s cool to see a lineup full of nice locals! Lesther grew up here and you can always find him in the tube on good days! Today though, he was going above the lip!