Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, March 06, 2023

Brian Scott

Happy Monday friends! Hate to say it… well naaaa, I don’t hate to say anything - that’s not a very good word (at least in my vocabulary), but I believe what I am trying to say is, I have good news for you for todays report and the waves and surfers out there were killing it today! So I hope you enjoy ~

Brian Scott

A little overhead on the wave size out there. Almost double over head if you count the wave’s wind spray flying off he backs of these things. Man was it breezy! Lenny "All-aboard" and driving down this freight train, let’s just hope it doesn’t de-rail??? BTW, What’s up with all the trains falling off their tracks recently. Shift in the earths crust? Giant planetary shift??? Well, this is the only thing that we have close to any kind of trains in this country.

Brian Scott

If you can’t bag git, might as well smash it! Len not falling off these tracks! His rails are as solid as they come!

Brian Scott

Here’s another angle so you can see he ain’t joking around with his rail game!

Brian Scott

Shred-a-thon Monday!!!!

Brian Scott

Like I mentioned, everyone out there was killing it!

Brian Scott

The locals. . .

Brian Scott

And the Northerly amigos from the USA!

Brian Scott

A little tube time at the reef. . . if the offer lends itself to you, you might as well take full advantage!

Brian Scott

Taking Jim Morrisons advice and “Breaking on through to the other side” Yaaaa!!!

Brian Scott

Da boys representing from the EAST COAST!!! YA hermanos. . . hope you score tomorrow on your boat trip up north! Let me know if you want some water shots??? As for the rest of you, I hope this installment of todays surf report made your Monday all that much better. . . Yewwww ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
