Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Brian Scott

Welcome to the Wednesday week day surf report! It was actually the first gray(isn) gloomy day we've had in quite a while. But the waves were super fun size and plenty of people out enjoying the nice calm winds and actually with it being a little overcast, you didn’t feel like you needed to have a million SPF sunblock on and or find the nearest shaded spot just to enjoy watching all the ripping that was going down in the lineup out there today.

Brian Scott

How do you fancy your footwork (or in surfing terms, which way do you like to ride?) Well if it’s goofy and lefts is your persuasion, then you’ll enjoy this little mini sequence of this kid that was just killing it out there around midday.

Brian Scott

Even trying to squeeze and duck into this cover up.

Brian Scott

Only to come out and throw this HUGE Clay Marzo like cutback…. SICKKKK!K!!!!!

Brian Scott

One thing that’s the most entertaining at this spot is (well in my humble opinion) all the different type of watercraft that people choose to surf with at this break. This guys rocking a rad mini log setup. . .

Brian Scott

And was shredding on it like he knew what he was doing perfectly fine out there!

Brian Scott

A couple ladies out there today. Happy International women’s day to all you ladies too out there btw. Isabel doing what she loves best on any given day, just so happens to be doing it on one of the days dedicated for her and her fellow amigas and similar females all over the globe. Isabel showing some really nice style on a special day for the ladies!

Brian Scott

Some hot surfing out there, even with the shade!

Brian Scott

So hot, even the cooler water didn’t even bother the loc’s. He’s probably sweating out there because he was ripping every wave to shreds!

Brian Scott

Same with Len! Killing it!!!

Brian Scott

This maneuver is way more critical than you might think. That’s a lot of torque and pressure all the way from your lower back to your knees, ankles and not to mention your board as well. Some pretty advanced stuff going down out there today, like I said!

Brian Scott

With the low winds and the snook (which can be a pretty Houdini type fish to find around here) actually being around at the moment, Hunter and his bro made it out there and they were actually diving just a little ways out, right under that main peak (scroll back up to the vert first pic and you’ll see exactly where they were diving) That reef has lots of good fish, you just gotta have some good swimming/diving experience to spearfish in a spot where you can get a nice big cleanup set on your head after staying down there for a few minutes. . . but as you can see the reward today was a good one!

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
