Ignacio out in Colorado and he seem to be having a great time not the biggest waves but still looked like fun out there

So the rest of these pictures were taken down at Pangas and there were maybe a good 10 surfers out there having a great time

Nice waves not too big not too small but a great size to have fun and enjoy the time out there and the water is also feeling warmer then a few weeks ago so that great as well

from everyone out there some people were catching more waves then others and this guy was catching a lot of them and he was having fun on those waves

this is one of his students and look ho good she is doing its super cool to see the progress

Here is the same guy that was catching lots of waves again he had some nice rights and lefts out there made me want to go in as well

Alright everyone that is all for today i will see you guys in the next one and don’t forget to have a beautiful day and spread the love and joy :)!

Hello Monday, The surf dropped off in a bit today, That’s ok for the reef break up the beach. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Welcome back to the daily surf report, we got some super fun waves today. The wind is dropping, the water is getting warm, the stoke is high! Check it out..