Today we are going to start with David, he was trying to get some waves by himself at Machete Pt. Look at him riding this nice looking left, one of the better sets that we had today.

The lineup was not very busy at all, we only had about 10 or 12 surfers including a few local guys. Here we have Luis “La Baloy” Chamorro with this cool snap on this closed out section.

There were a few other guys trying to catch some waves. Here we have this unknown surfer riding on this small but fun little nugget.

As we said before the lineup was not very busy. On this shot we have this unknown rider taking advantage in the water, he was trying to rip all over the place. Check him doing the best to do some stuff on this little wave.

You guys already know that the NSR’s photographers are very famous and handsome, the ladies could not resist today and were check them out all the morning. Here we busted this girl, looking up one of our photographers but she is not lucky enough because they are already married, we are just kidding! Please check back tomorrow.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Welcome to the Thursday surf report, this is Roberto “Lucha Libre” and Jairo “Come Pan” reporting from up north. Today the waves were running about chest to shoulder high on sets with strong offshore winds. The waves were a little disorganized this morning, some waves were closing out and the water was still pretty cold…