Here is one of the many fishing boats, who time the sets so they can come up the river and into the estuary. All the guys get out to push because it’s too shallow to put the prop in the water. And yes, that’s a hollow left-hander in the background.

Here is a shot of the estuary. All the boats clean their catch here. The remains wash out with the tide. Here sharky, sharky. I watched a 10 year old boy fillet a spotted ray – its 10 lbs of meat was worth almost $2 – the same as one lb of Red Snapper.

This was the left going the other way across the rivermouth. Not a world-class spot, but definitely a killer place to catch some uncrowded surf.

There are a couple of local surfers who live here. This is Lenny, local ripper and super nice guy.

This is Lenny going right and almost getting covered on the inside section. By the time we surfed, the wind was howling side-offshore making the waves a bit section-y. It was way better in the morning.

Here is Lenny’s little brother, Rafael – another super nice local kid. He offered to take me on a boat to check out some other surf spots on the other side of the island but I didn’t have time. Maybe next trip.

Rafael – going…straight.

Another day, another super beautiful beach.

This just in from our rovercam, snapping shots at a not-so-secret left point break. Looks kind of fun.

We’ve got an NSR shout out to Eric from El Puente mag, working on his Jerry Lopez impersonation.

We’ve got the “Panga” out here mixing it up today too.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. Yuji hard carried the report again. The wind was relatively calm and favorable, so that was nice. Surfline was wrong about the size again though. Smaller than called for.