I started working on today’s report fromCasa Rockright in front of Rosada beach in Rancho Santana. Sadly there was only one surfer and not much waves to ride.

I waited for the tide to come up and then went to check out Colorado… only two guys out there but not so great.

Most of the waves were closing out so, he didn’t paddle out.

I peeked over to Panga Drops and I saw a totally different story… so I headed that way.

This is the perfect board meeting, and by looking at their faces looks like they all had a great time at Pangas.

Check it out! Panga Drops was today’s Lucky Charm, delivering some great green shots, the perfect way to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day!

For all the people that use this celebration to get drunk (is there any other way to celebrate it??), here is some information about Saint Patrick’s Day:

Saint Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick (c. 385 – c. 461), the foremost patron saint of Ireland.

Celebrations generally involve public parades and festivals, Irish traditional music sessions, and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks. Drinking (massive amounts of) alcohol – particularly Irish whiskey, beer, or cider – has become an integral part of the celebrations.

No, this girl is not drunk, she just have a great style surfing on her longboard.

Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations have been criticised, particularly for their association with public drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Some argue that the festivities have become too commercialised and tacky, and have strayed from their original purpose of honouring St Patrick and Irish heritage.(Thanks Wikipedia!)

Let’s all celebrate a great day of waves here at Panga Drops, raise your green beer and chug it! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day everyone!

Hey hey amigos! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but a new novelty peak started working. I’ve dubbed it “Sterling’s Left”.

Happy Tuesday everyone! Well, if you checked the report yesterday we had some gnarly side shore winds. Today they went back offshore and the swell was a little fast and lined up, but it was pumping. Check it out!