This was the first wave I saw ridden today, This guy opted for the foamy and stroked into a nice long wall.

He kept on going and you can see another lined up behind him. Only around 5 guys in the water while I was watching. Nice wave buddy.

Jeff wasn’t going to let him have all the fun. He took this one all the way to the beach. nice long wall and multiple cut backs.

A few of the in between sets hit the inside right bar. This guy was able to get a few nice gouges at Happy meals.

He was also able to find a nice left in inside. Way to keep busy in there.

Chris paddled out as i was about to take off, I stuck around because he usually finds a good wave or two. He went straight into this ling right wall.

Working his way through Happy meals into the milkshake section.

I kept looking down the beach towards Colorado. It was pretty stretched out with the longer swell interval. Hopefully it turns on when the period drops.

One last left for the day. This guy picked off a few really long nice waves today. I’m sure he was happy with his session. looks like the swell should stick around for tomorrow. Hopefully we get back to the beach break.

Hello Tuesday, we had a fun morning of surf today. Winds were a bit light and the faces were looking clean. @tonyzphotos reporting.

HAPPY SUNDAY FUNDAY Ya’ll!!!!!! It was a gorgeous sunny beautifully lit morning out there in the AM today. I know the waves have been on fire that last few days, unfortunately the swell’s died down a bit (from what I saw the last few days – was off so wasn’t in photog mode, but wish I..