Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, March 20, 2023

Brian Scott

Happy Monday mi genti! Waves are back down in the 2-3 foot range. So good thing we have our second favorite back up wave here, “The Drops”! Winds were back to howling (not so-so bad) but even with just those few days or a week or without the winds being nuclear, the water temperature is sooooo warm and nice right now! Ohhhh…. and we had a team of rippers out there shredding up the place as well. So it was a GREAT day for some surfing and taking some killer pics!

Brian Scott

The Rancho Santana Crew was out in full force today, as you can see here, they were on FUEGO!

Brian Scott

The were dominating this one little peak to the north that was offering up some sweet little rights.

Brian Scott

Here’s Sophie coming around the corner on this really nice main peak right.

Brian Scott

Grinning ear to ear, and throwing down some radical turns and quite the amount of buckets!

Brian Scott

Warm water ramps, bowls, perfect carving sections all for the taking around the late morning time today.

Brian Scott

It was more like an expression session with Super (definitely not regular) from Puma or Uno poured all over it! And FULL FULL, filled to the rim with steel style the entire session!

Brian Scott

Like I said, it was LIT!!!!

Brian Scott

And lots of shenanigans of fun, just as surfing should be!

Brian Scott

And to prove my point, look at Lenny. . . who doesn’t even know his friend that not only named him is about to tackle him from behind. Hahahaha Good times!!!!!

Brian Scott

It was a hot one down there today! Finding the best shade possible was imperative, and as for trying to even walk up just that 25-50 feet of sand from the water to the shade made for one to become an instant Olympic grade sprinter. . . all while dodging those insanely long and unbreakable incredibly painfully sharp twigs that are covered with those death thorns, or as I like to call them, “Flip Flop Killers”, because that’s that they do, they’re go right through any flip flop, shoe and or even your tires. So always watch out for those! That being said, everything else here is easy breezy! Hope you all have a great rest of your Monday! Yewwwww ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
