Today I got hired by a few guys from Fl and they were super stoked with all the cool photos I took of them. On this first shot we have Patrick bottom turning a nice sized left hander.
Alejandro and his beautiful chick were able to spend the day on the beach and they went out trying to catch some waves. Here they are just seconds away from fun. Hey Ale, happy birthday my friend!
There were also a couple of other surfers doing their things. Check out this guy setting up for the barrel section on one of the better set waves of the day.
A bunch of international guys made it out to the lineup and were scoring many sick waves. Check out this guy getting into a small but sweet green room.
How about this guy attacking the lip of this closed out section. Hey dude, the next shot it is also a good one, so make sure to check it out on NSR Surf Shots. Click on any of the photos for today and it will take you straight to our galleries.
On the last shot of the day we have Carlitos with a nice of the top on this small but nice looking section. The new swell is supposed to hit us tonight so we might have some bigger waves tomorrow and building through the next few days.
Hey amigos! Josh here behind the lens for the foreseeable future. Today’s report is coming from Panga Drops. The waves were pretty small again today, but just big enough for a few people to rip.
The lineup was not busy at all, so these guys took advantage on that and had this spot for themselves for about one hour. Here we have a shot Ricardo “Semana Santa” taking off on one of the better set waves of the day.