The surf got super fun today and we all were super stoked to score some. Head high plus sets, nice offshore winds and chilly water predominated the lineup! Check it out!!!

Los Kersons just made it down yesterday and they all were already scoring today. Steffi nabbin’ a sick lefty

JJ was getting slotted all day long. How sick is to arrived and find some sick ones right away.

Papa Kerson was taking some fun ones as well. Looking for the little section to get covered in the inside!

The lineup was not busy at all, so there were plenty of sick ones rolling in with no taker. Hurry up Borrador!

Borradoorrrrr, there were also some sicky ones to charge on frontside. Oh my gooooddddddd!

Daniel from Spain was ripping all over the place this morning, meanwhile the kids on the beach kept doing their thing. Sweet backside slash!

This unknown rider was pulling into some jewels. Chilling and styling!!!

Mr Pancho Sanchez made it over our way and he paddle out to get some. Working on his backside!

Steffi was killing it out there. Sick snap off the top on this section!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

What is up boys? This is Lucha Libre with the Tuesday surf report. We do not have many words to explain how sweet it was this morning, all we can say IT WAS FUN. Head high to over head on the bigger sets, nice offshore winds and cool water. Check it out!!!