Welcome to the Wednesday surf report. We are Lucha Libre and Come Pan bringing you the action from the NSR Beach House one more time. The swell picked up a little bit today, so we had some head high waves coming through all day long with offshore winds. The lineup was not crowded at all, maybe that’s because the water cools up again but it was not very bad. Check it out.

Come Pan is getting really good with the water camera. Check out this amazing shot he got of our friend Robert on this left.

The easter season it’s on. We have many cute girls making it out to get some sun and drink a few beers. Here is one of the many pretty chicks that were out today on the beach.

We had a few Floridian guys out taking many killer waves. This is Scott working on his backside style on this right.

“El Pelon” Osiris tried to do the best to get some wave out there in the lineup because he wanted to get shot so his girlfriend can watch him surfing back in the States. Here he is with a nice close-up shot. Hola Wendy!!!

The lineup was not busy but there is always somebody that doesn’t respect the big rule. Check out these guys about to hurt themselves on this wave. Be careful folks!!!

The swell is still building so be sure to check back with us tomorrow.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.