Here’s one of Dereks in and out barrels from one of his many epic sessions today.

Anyone up for the mysto lefts???? Come on… it’ll be fun!! Haha

Stoked to see a few of the regular Panga Drops peeps mixing it up and swapping out big reef drops to sick draining barrels. Yeeeaaahhh Bart!!!

Some big bombs were coming in all day long. I think this is probably maybe our biggest swell of 2020 so far???

It was certainly heavy. Who do you think is hunkering down in this army green grenade??

If you guessed Carlos Perez, you would be correct!!

Jenna was the only chica that I saw out there, at least while I was shooting. Here she is on her first wave right after paddling out literally less than 5 min before she caught this NUG!

Daniel was out too getting his comfort level tested with the bigger surf today. Good job buddy!

The paddle out wasn’t too bad if you timed it right. The really BIG sets were a little bit of a wait, but when they came, you wanted to be sure and be out far enough so you didn’t get cleaned up.

There were a lot of big drops and big bottom turns. Here’s a couple for comparison. Derek leaning regular footed into this green gem.

Followed by a stick little mini check turn stall right as the barrel threw right over him.

How’s this backside no grab goofy footed bottom turn by none other than Mr. Hot Carl.

Followed by this super sick sweeping backside turn with amazingly beautiful water color as his canvas.

Like I said, there were some drainers out there. You like?????

I have to say that the groms were absolutely charging it out there today. Totally fearless, like Yugi here. Of course when you have a small tight little pack of gremmy surfers to compete against out in the lineup, that always helps.

That and having some world class waves to practice on every single day. Check out Koji’s late drop on this DOH set wave.

If you don’t go then you’ll never know!

and of course, like G.I. Joe said…. “Knowing is half the battle”. The other half of the battle is getting over that slight little thing that beats in your chest called fear!

Dario knows a thing or two about fear. That’s because he likes to indulge in all kinds of ocean type water sports.

The key advice I’ve ever heard from anyone who likes to mess around in the ocean when mother nature is willing to dish out a serving of humble pie…. is to always remember that no matter how bad things get or may seem…. just remember to keep calm!

It is ok though to get really excited or even throw a claim if you feel the need after finishing a wave like this!

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Happy Sunday Funday on this fine April 14th amigos! The waves are back in the pequeño realm, but the winds were light with some beautifully warm bathwater like temps. Come on dreamers, its your day!

Whattup NSR Nation and welcome to the weekend Nicaragua surf report. Before getting to the surf we just wanted to throw out big ups to Clay Thompson, JaVale McGee and the rest of the Golden State Warriors for a sharp performance this afternoon taking game 1 against the Spurs.It was kind of a down day..