Today we had to take “El Burro” to the mechanic so we didn’t have any vehicle to go to the beach. Lucha Libre decided to ride his little bike all the way up to the beach and he got back into town safe but not every clean ‘cause he had dust all over. Check out “La Mulita” just taking a deep breath meanwhile Lucha was taking photos.

As I said before the lineup was empty but there were still a few guys taking advantage here and there. Here we have this unknown rider trying to land this backside aerial move.

A few guys took out some fun shape boards, trying to score some fun ones. Check out this guy looking down the line of this mushy left. Sometime it’s so fun to paddle out when the winds are onshore because you get to practice a few other maneuvers.

We always have some cute girls on the beach, and today they wanted to get a shot from the best photographer in Nicaragua. Maybe later I can sign it up for you ladies!!!

We had a few local rippers shredding out there. Here we have one of them going big with a cool floater. The local really knows how to handle this kind of conditions.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Welcome everybody to our Monday surf report. Here we have Jairo “Come Pan” Panic and Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia showing you all the surf action for today. This morning we woke up super early and drove up north to score some great waves. The waves were small but there were some fun sets coming through,..