There were some nice lefts running in as well and this guy scored some of the better ones. Looking down the line!

The lineup was not busy at all, so there were some nice ones rolling in with no takers. What a shame!

Zac made it out on his new board, sponsored by Dane G. Here he is nabbing a nice size set!

Chapin made it over our way and he was ripping, as always. Cool snap on his frontside!

No the best spot to be, uh! Going for a little dive!

There were a few goofy footers charging some nice sized rights on their backhands. Nice looking wave, isn’t it?

The snap of the day goes to this unknown rider, shredding a sick section. Way to go pal!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hi boys, Lucha Libre it is here with your Friday surf report. The waves were fun today, running about chest to head high on the bigger sets, the winds were nice offshore and the water was warm. Check it out!!!

Hey everyone, Eric here posting some shots from this Wednesday morning down at the beach. I took the water camera down to snap some photos up close. The waves were going off!! Head high with bigger sizes on the sets and a lot of waves were barreling. The wind was hardly moving and the lineup had..

What’s up folks? Hope you guys are doing well. We are the NSR Family with the Tuesday surf report. Today we went to the beach in the afternoon hoping to ride some waves. Unfortunately the wind was onshore but there were still some shoulder high waves coming in. The lineup was not busy at all..