This is Chulin at Machete pt, a local from San Juan del Sur his 14 years old and he likes big waves.
Today we have chicks everywhere. On the beach.
This is EU.
TODAY’S SPANISH CLASS: Tenemos un chico de el Salvador, su nombre es Guillermo y le gusta tomar aire como Luis. Me gustaria que se conocieran en el agua.
We have a guy from Salvador, his name’s Gillermo and he likes to get air like Luis. I would like to meet them in the water.
Shot 3. Nice one.
Hey amigos! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. This lady either ended up a bit later than anticipated or misunderstood what it means to get barreled haha! I’ve got to give her credit for looking at this wave though. You don’t know if you don’t go (or at least look at going).