Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, June 05, 2006

As we say good by to the NSR Casita and the good waves we've caught the last few days, we like to say thanks to our good friends for coming down to visit. We caught some sick ones you guys. Come back and visit us again soon.

Now, to today's waves. It looks like we are headed into an onshore pattern for a few days. Bummer, but at the same time, we've had so many waves the last week or so that we could really use the rest. It's still nice and glassy in the mornings and we have plenty of swell in the water. It's definitely surfable if you go find it. This wave might look small, but believe me, it's overhead.

Annie took this opportunity to play in the caves between set waves. This is just after the avalanche.

Here's another wave. Not great, but ridable nonetheless.

This might be the last we see of the NSR HiLux. While she proved to be worthy of some of the most difficult terrain known to man, it seems she finally met her match. A vehicle known in Nicaragua for it's ruggedness and durability was brought to a grinding halt today (yes, literally). It seems that a combination of slight neglect and a faulty oil light proved to be a deadly combination for the small diesel motor. Six fresh quarts of oil failed to remedy the god-awful sounds that bellowed under the hood. Luckily we were able to limp back to the mechanic under our own power (which is way better than being stuck out in the middle of nowhere). After a solid 24 months of service, the motor is shot and needs to be replaced. Ouch. Fix or Replace? That is what we must decide. It's an emotional time, but we must move on.

More of the same. We still have overhead set waves coming in, but we have onshore wind out here at Maderas today.

The good new is for these guys, from left to rigth Augusto, Geovany and Jamil (Coki). They finaly found some sponsors. The SOLUTIONS is going to sponsor these guys with everything they need to improve their surf.

And we have a second sponsor for those guys. Hey guys now is your time.

This is Geovany, he found something to ride out there.

Check back tomorrow.