Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, June 15, 2008

This is Jairo “Come Pan” Panic and Mateo “Pledge” with the Sunday morning surf report. A lot of people came out to the beach today to enjoy the sand and sunshine. There was a little more swell in the water today with waves running about shoulder high with head high sets and offshore wind. The water was also super warm and clear. Check it out!

Come Pan went a little artistic here and got a pretty sweet shot of the surf trough the trees. This is an unknown rider taking off on a fun right that appears just to be him and his friend in the water

This is Juanito “De la Perra” Herrera going on a left that’s appears to well over his head. He is actually one of the younger surfers out there and his has just been charging it lately.

Here is a shot of Mateo “Pledge” hacking at the lip of this left. This guy has been so stoked lately because he is living and working with us here in Nicaragua.

English-Today we were just going to interview one person, but we saw these two cute girls sitting together so we shot we would go for the double interview. This is Hannah on he left and Marlys on the right. These girls are from Jackson Hole, Wyoming and have been traveling in Nicaragua for the past three weeks. Hannah here is a yoga instructor and Marlys is a Massage therapist and a guitar player. They are both offering their services down here so you should look them up if you come here. Their favorite place to go out is Tsunamis, unless its Wednesday or Friday. There favorite place to go out is Pelican Eyes because it is Happy Hour. It was a pleasure meeting you ladies, we hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here.

Espanol-Hoy solo tratamos de entrevistar a una persona, pero hemos visto estas dos chicas hermosas sentada juntas por lo que nos decidimos  entrevista a las dos.En la izquierda tenemos a Hannah y Marlys de la derecha. Estas chicas son de Jackson Hole, Wyoming y han estado viajando en Nicaragua durante las últimas tres semanas. Hannah aquí es un instructora de yoga y Marlys es un terapeuta de masaje y un guitarrista. Ellas a la ves ofrece sus servicios aquí lo que debe ver hacia arriba si usted viene aquí. Su lugar favorito para salir es Tsunamis, a menos que los miércoles o viernes. Hay un lugar favorito para salir como es el Pelican Eyes es porque hacen Happy Hour. Fue un placer conocerlas chicas, esperamos que disfrute el resto de su estadia aquí

This is the final surfing shot of the day which looks to me like a postcard. The waves should pick up even more tomorrow so check back o the report tomorrow. Now let’s check and see how team NSR faired in the final day of the fishing tournament.

Alright guys, today was the second and final day of the fishing tournament. We had a lot of people participating trying to take the big trophy home.  This is a shot of the scene at the dock

Today the NSR team brought in a ton of fish but unfortunately we weren’t able to place in the tournament. Lance and his team at Safari Charter's, just as expected, killed it again.  They caught the most Dorado and also caught another sailfish around 80lbs.  Here is a shot what this team caught today.

Here we have a cool shot of Lance and his team taking the second place trophy of the sailfish category. These guys were super stoked to get this prize.  Good job fellas!!!

The big prize of this tournament goes to a local lady from San Juan del Sur and her team, “Ana C.” This is Ana Chamorro with the big prize of Dorado tournament. Congratulations on behalf of NSR.

This is the last shot of the day. As you can see here we have Lance and all his friends having a great time on the dock.  We are supposed to have a new swell in the water next few days, please stay tuned with us for tomorrow.