The waves were packed full of people today. We had lots of international surfers and plenty of chicas out there as well. Here’s one of them cruising on a nice little left!
Carlos was about the only local surfer I saw out there today. Surrounded by gringos but still catching more waves than everyone else today. Sweet little air on a tiny wave!
Everyone keeps asking where the swell is and when it will arrive. I have a feeling we’re going to see some serious wave improvement when we wake up tomorrow though. At least there’s good form on these little nuggets.
Juancito’s skills with the camera are improving a lot these days. Here he caught an unknown surfer through the trees on a decent righthander!
Brian paddled out there and fought his way into a few of the better sets. Going backside and getting warmed up for when the waves really show up!
Juancito has a few secret locations he won’t tell me about for taking some shots from up high! You can see that the waves just aren’t here yet. We’ll be back tomorrow and hopefully we will be back with some real waves to show you folks! Thanks for tuning in with us and be sure and check back. I have a feeling that the next few days are going to be getting much better! Keep it real for now!
Hi everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell is probably slightly larger today, but it is also much windier.
A huge Hipico happened down south in San Juan del sur, and the party keeps on. Come down anc check out the bull rodeo!