Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, July 04, 2024

Josh S

Hi everyone! Josh back for a quick Thursday evening surf report at Colorados. The swell is definitely up, but not quite as big as what was forecasted.

Josh S

Sponsored by: BUD LIGHT! Haha we love it!

Josh S

There were a few surfers out this evening, but there was a lot of current and the sets always seemed to break just outside of everyone. This one was a good insider at the corner of the sandbar that snuck underneath everyone’s radar.

Josh S

This guy taking “getting under the lip” to a whole ‘nother level.

Josh S

Another empty runner grinding down the sandbar. The swell is a bit more South than usual, but I was still expecting more size.

Josh S

The well known barrel to bodysurf transition! It happens to the best of us.

Josh S

I’m pretty surprised this guy decided to pull through the lip instead of continuing through the barrel and making the exit. There was plenty of space for him to duck out of.

Josh S

A rare right and a lucky rider. This guy did well to tee up on this open right section.

Josh S

The boogey’s can take heavier and crazier lines since their board is less likely to come back and smack them.

Josh S

Jackson blasting through a sick fronstide air reverse. The wind was coming from the West (blowing into the lefts) making for favorable air sections as goofy footers.

Josh S

This guy’s rail versus vs the rip current haha! It was pretty drained out there this evening at dead low tide.

Josh S

To close today’s surf report we have a trooper charging head first into this frothy and slushy barrel. We gotta make do with what we have right! The waves were pretty fun in the morning, so let’s see if Tony can capture some tube time from tomorrow’s shredders.