Mel is coming every year to score some waves. Here is trying the air 360*.

Junior is trying to make airs. He is progressing, but right now he just getting free falls.

Here is Mel isa hitting the lip of the wave. He ripping small waves, but he have a fear to big waves, so he take advantage of the small conditions of the waves.

This is the ripper of today. This surfer is having barrels and making big turns.

The B. A. Matt Young champion of hand plane is here to score some waves. Even he buy this beautiful hand plane in our surf shop because are made of wood handicraft from Nicaragua.

Here is in this right getting a shack. He say this handplane is one of the best he test.

Yeah!!!! buddy he killing this waves going left and rights. Check how good is this hand plane working.

Matt ( Tanzan ) Young Champion of the world 2010 he buy this handplane to go surf Jaws in the next visit to Hawaii.

Chocoyo miss this tube to get speed and smash this wave. Check how he make this maneuver.

Bang.,,,, he put the tail 180* great. He is making this trick so easy.

Ok. Amigos. There is a new swell coming to the next days. More barrels are coming so try to come and get some. Armando Lopez is out,

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

The waves were going off today. One of the better days ever at the outer reef popoyo. Surfari Charters Crew and company along with Pancho Sanchez, JJ Yema, Mani, Cabezas and a few others were charging some bombas out there. Check it out,,, happy 5th of July amigos!!!