This is the lucky surfer today. All his friends in the water were celebrate his wave giving a good energy in the crowd.

My cousin Erick was ripping today. He and his family are here for the last week and they will leave tomorrow so i want to say goodbye and see you soon.

Take this air to home buddy!!!!. This is for you remember you time in Nica land.

A surfer in longboard were getting a fun ride in this surf conditions. In the next days the longboard will be the best vehicle to be fun in the lineup.

The high tide is hitting the sand bank of two feet shallow and is making a nice “barrilitos”. Check how glassing is the water in this wave.

There are four peaks working today. Here is the southern peak with six people sharing this wave.

Some locals are flying. This is the higher air today. He don’t landing, but was nice to see you trying little man.

A boogie boarder and surfer in shortboard were trying ride a wave together and doesn’t work, plus a man infront them. This looks like a car accident.

The guy in the longboard burned by another surfer and the guy in the shortboard get the tube. This happened when the waves are small.

Other air 360*. The position of the board was weird, but in the end he landed.

This local kid make a cool laid back. This is the seem kid with the high air.

Some tiny waves but are rolling so perfect. I don’t know how this man fit in this wave.

Ok. Primos. See you tomorrow in another surf report. Have a great night. Armando Lopez is out.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Small waves still rollin’ in Nicaragua, but great vibe at the beach. Chest high waves on the bigger sets, nice offshore winds and great water down south. Check it out!!!