That’s part of the fun here at the beach break.. you never know exactly what you’re gonna get

As promised.. always some tubes to be had too

Look like Oscar wanted to join in on the fun too

Jackson packing tubes is a normal sight around these parts, dude is a beast!!

Asher is one of those guys that when he’s in town and he’s in the water you wanna make sure you have your camera pointed in his general direction

Like father like Son here’s Fin getting down on some fun sized Colorado

Of course huge shoutout to the lifeguards out here keeping us safe and making sure we all get to come back for another session. If you have the means to do so and feel so inclined it’s always appreciated if you can bring some snacks or cold drinks (not booze lol) to the Lifeguards as they’re out there all day in the hot sun. At least say hello and thank you for the work they do to keep the beaches safe. Mica and Juan right here are some awesome people and dedicated to the safety of all enjoying the beach. Thanks for coming by and checking us out today! We’ll be back tomorrow to share some more highlights with ya’ll like we do everyday. Tomorrow should be XL if the forecasts are correct so make sure to come back and check us out! Cheers

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hello fans of NSR, welcome to another beautiful day in the land of Volcanoes, Lakes and many Waves! Check out today’s report, it was impeccable!