I went down the beach during the low tide and see how look the face of the wave in the sets. How big you think this wave it is?

The surfer in the green board is Lester. He stole three waves to me yesterday and today he pay for that. Is the karma bro…

The surfer stole the waves his name is Carlito. After a few meters of take Lester wave, he fell too. Hahahahaha buddy.

Carlitos have one of the best wave today. Check this beautiful barrel.

There are more than a hundred good waves all day. The right were the best one , but some left have power too.

The mediun size waves were amazing too. Open and solid.

This is another medium sized wave. Never were a easy wave. This guy were challenging.

Really the set never stop coming. Here is Kevin Cortes in one wave of the set.

The right was rolling for about fifty meters long and never lost the energy. Check the lip of this thing.

After twenty meters this wave keep going good and Kevin it is in perfect position for go out. You see the arc of this wave.

Here is another wave in the set. We call that about eight foot. For sure your could keep stand up in this wave.

Check it out. Kevin is four feet high, but this wave is double of him. Don’t think so?

Another clean barrel. Tomorrow every body was surfing around eight to eleven in the morning come to the NSR surf shop to see the photos in the Tv and check if you have a shot.

There are a lot people looking for the right today. It is because was the best.

Huuuu Huuuuuuu. So many good shot today. People were in intense attack of waves.

This is the best day of July. We could heve good waves tomorrow so be tuned with the report.

Here is Derek in one of the longest barrel of today. He was deep for about twenty meters. So crazy.

Were four peak working. Every peak have tunnels. Check the Northern peak showing up.

Some clean waves with out riders. Nobody can to say the place was crowded.

Here is Lester again receiving the second checked. This time is his brother Oscar. Check this wave.

Here is one of the deeper barrel today. This one have some celebration from the beach.

Finteen meters after he start to be lost. Yeahhhhh Oscar.

Believe me. After terteen shot I don’t see Oscar, but I know he keep overthere.

After long way in this perfect wave he came out. One of the best surfer here.

In how many wave you see this green surfboard? Lester have more than ten super good waves.

Bryan from Limon II have this beutifull long wave. Is the dream wave.

Everytime the sets come bring about ten waves like this one. So if you take the first one I don’t think you come back easy to the line up.

Some left were rolling good. Here is Alvin( El Chocoyo ) in one clean left.

After the sets small waves were coming and a lot of people were enjoyin this wave. Check this little nugget.

The super profetional photografer Bryan McManndon take the camera and take this beatifull shot. Here you can see our homebreak.

We are so stoked to show you the best waves every day, so we appreciate your attention.

The tide coming in. More power is hitting the sand bar!!!!

Check how was the morning and after couple hours late everything exchange. This is how is here in Nica Land.

Look the guy in the second floor of this building. He is in the elevator.

Dean is here scoring some waves too. Check how shallow is the beach in this moment when the tide just start to pick in up.

The offshore wind was perfect. Sometime the mix of a big wave and the fast wave break make some monster.

Here is DJ JJ in the Tomo board of Fire Wire. He Broke this board today. Sorry buddy!!!!!

Early in the morning we were expecting some waves, but never imagine were to be so cool.

This is the first impression of the wave in the morning. What you think?

Here is when start to be better. Here is my friend Gary in his firts day of surf in the last two week.

And this is how look when the waves came. Here is Lester again in another good left.

Here is the Kevin best wave of today. Check the sequence.

Now is time to get in. He know this wave.

After this shot he start looking the door for long time. I have too many shot of him in this wave.

Here is after a while. He always have that peak falling in part in front him.

I thought he go out, but this wave keep breaking so good. Check the next section.

He need to hold the breathing, because this wave was so long. Not kidding.

Kevin decided to go out for another door. He break the door.

Kevin made out. Check the explosion of that pump .

Another stand up surfer in the barrel. There are around a hundred of this today.

Are you ready for one of this. Buy your plane ticket and come here.

But if you found one wave like this one. Never run out the barrel like ( Norlan El Buchon ). He miss one of the good one.

Ok. Amigos. Was a long day. If you want to see great waves tomorrow? Check the report because we will get it. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hellooooo boys, lucha libre Garcia is back with your Saturday surf report. The waves were kinda small today, running in the shoulder high range, winds were a little strong offshore and the water was great. Check it out!!

Hola amigos, this is the NSR family with a sweet update for your Friday surf report. The new swell started filling in this morning but it wasn’t as big as we were expecting, waves were a little desorganized but there were still some gems out there to be scored. Over head waves on the bigger..