Did you see SBS’s report yesterday? He wasn’t lying when he said the waves would pick up and look different today…

Plenty of overhead pits drained along the sandbars. JJ picking off this nug.

With the clean exit too! He slipped into enough barrels to make an average man happy for a year (keep scrolling down).

With this direction, most of the waves are lefts. That shouldn’t be a shocker because all (the best) waves in Nicaragua are lefts.

Ohh, and the wave barrels…

It may have been a while since JJ has been on an NSR report. Welcome back on hombre and we’re stoked to get you some shots on here!

He might have been one of the first Americans moving down to the Tola area of Nicaragua. With consistent surf like this, offshores all day, and plenty of lefts to accommodate him, how can you not be attracted to this spot?!

And we have quite a few critical waves up and down this 10 mile stretch. Some softer ones too if that’s your style.

Nice wave JJ and hopefully see you around some more!

If you don’t want to be the original pioneer of the land- no worries! Check out our vacation rentals because now you can enjoy luxury accommodations close to the beach with AC, wifi, and an NSR meal plan!

Back to the swell… yeah it’s super fun! We have a dominant swell from one direction and a touch of combo swell from another. The reefs and points should be a lot of fun but I don’t want to go anywhere else!!

Paraphrased straight from the jefe!! Carlos Caliente is on it!!!

On it, in it, call it however you want. Carl was taking out his new Omni and finding some frontside gems.

You can see the deep blue water color even from the shore so I wonder what Carlos Caliente’s view is like from the inside…

Carl has been really good to me and given me a lot of advice during my time here. One of them about balance and moderation. Carl paddled out and locked into one above, then back out and immediately into this one. Yeah Carlos, how about that moderation, huh!!! To his defense, getting barreled is probably healthier than American candy.

Besides the good waves, the conditions were great. If you slept in due to the rain, you missed the tide and the session. However, the wind has stayed light and offshore all day (despite the healthy dose of rain) so you can catch the other side of the tide. Hopefully the clouds clear for a bright afternoon surf!

Though I’d like to say all waves were perfect a frames and makable barrels, some waves weren’t. The lefts can be tricky to gauge what they will do… until you drop in and find out.

But some waves weren’t the waves fault! Maybe this Brazalian was testing the strength of his new SciFi design (yes it held up so nice job, Kelly and Daniel!).

Did you think all the waves were barrels!? No 10 point carves like JJF and Jordy, but a couple nice turns were cracked.

But I think Chris Conner and I are just interested in those elusive blue cylinders. All eyes on his tube here then all eyes on his Instagram (klo_features) later to see how his footage turned out!

JJ keeps it low key and prefers to play peak-a-boo. That is, until the next reef swell arrives.

So how many more photos do you guys want to see? 5 more? 10 more? Or keep going? Because I’d like to get another session in today at some point.

The left was the main attraction but a right was slipping through every couple of sets. You need to read it well or else…

You might be settling for a pocket ride. Study the wave and take off in the right spot to get the reward.

My buddy Diego Biral just got back in town from Brazil. Straight off the plane and into a tube. Somebody has to bear that burden, right?

The other option is to stand tall and claim the wave/photo. Diego hits the gas to make it through whereas his buddy gets the killer photo.

Ok damas and caballeros, I hope you got a good feel for the swell we are having. We appreciate all you guys checking out our shots and stay tuned for the next couple of days! Hotsticks is out!!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hello and good morning everybody. We wake up with the sound of the sets hitting the beach in the morning when the tide was going down. The swell its here for sure. The waves are coming more consistentent every hour more and more. This is how looks the tide coming in. Check it out.