We also had a few girls charging out there. Here we have a sweet shot of this cute girl hand dragging this right.

Our very own D-lite was doing his thing as well, showing the guys how to rip. Check out this killer sequence we got of him, shot 1.

Shot 3, is he going to pull that one?

Shot 4, clean and safe.

Shot 5, were you stoked buddy?

We want to introduce our new photographer Miguel Mora. He is going to be working with us pretty much every day. So if you guys want to meet him he is going to be on the beach everyday.

Hace Quezos was able to take a shortboard again. She was so happy to catch a couple of fun waves on the small board. Here she is riding one of the killer rights she got.

Chewy and D-lite had a short session today- they decided to watch Pancho’s show from the beach. Are you guys enjoying it? Next time I am going to charge you a couple bucks for watching the action.

On the last shot of the day we have “Sandwich” with a pretty sick backside snap. This photo was taken by our new photographer Miguel, not bad for a first day with the camera dude. The waves should be fun tomorrow so be sure to check back with us.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi folks. This is Jairo “Come Pan” Panic and Mateo “Guineo” welcoming you to the Wednesday surf report. We headed out to the beach hoping the waves were going to be like yesterday, but when we got there, we were slightly disappointed because the waves seemed like they dropped off a lot. We went out..

Ok, ok…okkk here is Lucha getting back to the action on the beach, today we have crowded surf out here at Maderas and we have some fun waves all over the place. It’s head high on sets and the wind is offshore, check it out.

Still at Pascuales…it’s one day later and the waves are still pumping down here. This is the first thing we have been seeing every morning for the last couple of days. Check out the contrast with the beach umbrellas – the unmistakable trademark of this spot for years. Nothing like a nice day at the..