Hello everybody. This is the friday surf report. The waves are good during the first hour of the tide coming in. The offshore wind is a little strong, around twenty miles per hour. Three different peaks are working good with one left and two rights. Check it out.

Here is the view of the waves breaking left. Some sets come with seven waves like this one. The people in this peak were having some pumps!!!

The rights were more friendly and nice for play in the waves. Like this surfer here going up.

One of the rights were super fun with nice line and not too windy. Check here all the crew waiting for this nugget.

The rights were breaking more consistent. The take off was soft and have a section of a little tube and a ramp to make a turn with speed. Check it out.

Waaaaaaccccchhhhhaaaaaaaa. The waves are better with low tide, so wait for the tide coming down. Now is too much water in the high tide making the waves soft.

Some good rights were breaking in the North peak. The surfers there, were having a good surf experience in this tubes.

For two hours this right was making a fun day for the surfer to choose surf there. They were taking the corner but this wave were rolling good from the peak.

This wave look like the first one in the report. But is a different wave. I was watching this wave with my friend Justin and we were enjoying look the barrels of that right.

Ok. Amigos. There are a new swell coming to the next week in August. July has some days pumping, now we will see how go to work one of the best month in the season. Armando Lopez is out.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hola amigos, today we stayed down south to surf some small but fun waves. Waist high lines were rolling in, winds were nice offshore and the water was nice. Check it out!!!