Danny dropping in on a fun wave.
Man’s best friend watching the waves, what a good boy!
Danai surfed a couple sessions today, filling up the stoke level for the weekend.
Big shaka for the double session.
Rosa was on the beach checking out the waves.
Stoke levels all the way up!
His son John is always ripping too.
Check out Tony’s face and try to tell me he wasn’t having a great time.
Party wave with a JOB inspired peacock float. These three gotta be a few of the funnest people on the planet.
Chris cruising on one of the most unique shaped board I’ve ever seen.
Adam can be found working out and doing personal training most days, but can also paddle out and rip too.
Koji and his brother always paddle out when they don’t have school and they have a spidey sense for where the best waves are gonna be.
This is Rick the face behind the lens and a genuine awesome guy.
Zoom zoom.. totally thought I was gonna get in his way but he sped by no problem this guy knows what he’s doing.
I love seeing people enjoying themselves, Regi was def enjoying her session in the surf.
Whenever you have the chance to jump in the water it’s always a good day.
John knows what I’m talking about.
The waves here are so consistently fun it’s ridiculous.
Disclaimer: No surfers were hurt in the making of this report lol
Maria looking ahead at this wave and plotting her attack.
Regi loves the beach and she stays charging on these waves.
Such a fun day full of laughs and wild rides.
Carl and Eugenia enjoying the beach after surf just before sunset.
Golden sunset on a platinum day. What a fun day it was. Cruise back tomorrow for more epic report magic and a little taste of this heaven on earth we call Playa Colorado here at SurfNSR.
Hey viewers! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The wind was relatively mild today, especially in the morning and evening. It was small, but I’ll take small with no wind at Pangas over big and nuking wind.
Monday did not disappoint! Welcome to today’s surf action from Panga Drops. I took photos in the morning and in the evening. This chica has been crushing it at sunset the past few days. She doesn’t miss many waves haha!
Sunday Funday! Welcome to this morning’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. There was a surprise bump in the size and the wind was light. Probably the best waves we’ve had in a week or two, in my opinion. Zach with a big late drop and a cameo from..
Feliz Jueves amiogs! SBS here checking in with the surf report taken from our premier surf spot. Some super fun waves filling in with this new swell. Check it out!