Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, August 10, 2023

Josh S

Thursday surf report coming your way from Colorados, per usual. Another medium size day of waves, but surprisingly the surf pulsed with low-tide this afternoon relative to the morning high-tide.

Josh S

Jason and his partner Nicole were out trading off some nice wave this afternoon! Jason working on his pigdog here.

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There were three amigos down in front of the restaurant having a blast! The three-man bodysurf party wave!

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Ohhh! Even some bumper cars and javelin jousting from the bodysurfing boys haha! These guys may not’ve been surfing, but they were getting some pretty sick waves and looked like they were having the most fun.

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Nicole teeing up on a nice left!

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When I said these guys were grabbing the best waves, I was being serious. The surfers were on struggle street with their positioning and wave selection relative to these guys haha

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Tis not enough to merely look where one wants to go. One must also point with one’s lead hand in the desired direction. If you want to get barreled you’ve gotta get high enough (at least mid-face) to lock in.

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This guy got it right! A big drive up the face then he was able to check in to hotel tubo.

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There was a guy in a white long-sleeve rashie who was getting some nice tubes and turns. Here he is steep and deep on a frothy yet hollow left.

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I glanced down the beach and thought I saw a few heads out at a mysto peak. A few groms got creative and adventurous by the looks of it. It looked a little inconsistent, but I think I saw a few sick A-frames roll through.

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Case and point!

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To close out the report we have some wave porn. Our surfers kind of misfired and blundered most of the sets, but where were my three bodysurfers to swim into these beauties? Haha!

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Kachow! This guy takes the cake for most buckets thrown today.

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This northern left peak is very elusive, but man it sure can get fun when it’s working. It’s understandable that this one snuck underneath everyone’s radar.

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Sophie and Bauti with big smiles! They are some of the funnest people to surf with here, it’s rare to see them without their pearly whites exposed. Well guys, that’s all of today’s action. Thanks for checking in and hope you all stop by again tomorrow. If my understanding of the tea leaves (Surfline) is correct then tomorrow is the bottom of the swell, but I bet there’ll still be some fun waves.