Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hello primos. The weekend is quiet out and the waves are fun and friendly after the big swell of the last week. The offshore wind is nice, the color of the water and the temperature are good. It is a good day to be in the water catching some waves.

There are some new faces in the water and some are ripping the waves. Here is josh in the top of the wave, dragging his fins with power.

after the storm comes the calm and this is how look the ocean right now. This left was fun with a shortboard, so that mean the wave have some of energy.

Of course there are some good waves during the high tide. Not there are too many barrel. The waves were better for others trick.

Like always the best wave not have a rider. This is the wave in the set. Is not too big, but have some good meters to ride.

Hoooo!!!!!! noooooo!!!!. This surfer miss the only tube of today.

There are nice left, breaking more than the right. Look the wall in this wave. There are so many way to killing this wave. What you will do if you are in this left?

Well. There are nice sunset usually every day and is going exactly in the cliff in this picture. This family is planning to have a smoke pig for the sunset. How cool is this?. I hope have a piece of the ribs. Have a good day and see you tomorrow. Armando Lopez is out.