Roger Hochman runs a transportation business in Texas but he still finds a way to hang out here for a month. He said he surfs from first light to breakfast and then works from his house. That is what I call a “work/life balance!”

I saw a few long rights come through. I like the lower tides at the reef break so the wave connects the entire way. Watching this wave go untouched hurt a little bit…

At the same time, some great lefts showed themselves. This break is a swell magnet and is usually bigger than our surrounding beach breaks.

And the waves have plenty of face to practice your turns. This unknown rider took advantage of the face for the another 100 yards after this photo.

The clouds started to clear up and I walked south to see what was happening there. Not a bad wave to first see, huh? Add that to your Algebra notebook’s collection.

We still have some leftovers with a little size. If you have great form and know how to work it, you can score some nuggets.

In the last week, it’s been all about that right peak in the northern section. I watched our left peak start to open today. That’s good news for our goofy footed riders!

“Which way are you going?!” “You go right, I’ll go left!”

After the barrel section, the end of the wave opened up with an open face. What more can you ask for in a wave besides a tube and a great shwack?

Ok guys it’s Wednesday so we are halfway home! I appreciate y’all checking out today’s report. Stayed tuned towards the end of the week because we should be getting some waves. Adios amigos!!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hi there, welcome to your Tuesday surf report. The waves were running a little smaller today but it is still super fun. Shoulder high waves on the bigger sets, nice offshore winds and great water temperature. Check it out!!!

Hi there, the NSR Family is here with your Moday surf report. No commnon conditions down here but still some little fun ones to be taken. Onshore winds and lots of rain at some point during the day. Check it out!!!

Hey everyone, hope you’re ready for another day of barrels, or you’ve gotten yours already! Another solid day, this second day of September. Some nice waves coming in still around head high and some overhead sets still coming in and taking people for the ride of their life or just taking ’em out! Steady offshore..