The waves are fun size with an occasional bigger set and the lineup is about 20- 30 people spread out on a couple of peaks so plenty of waves to go around
Here is one of those occasional bigger sets and dude scored this one with a fun and super clean peeling tubo
Rick there with the red helmet in the spot to get that angle inside the barrel
Just a super fun morning of waves today, the tide was about mid when I got to the beach and it was still doing it’s thing when I was leaving too as it was getting pretty low so it’s looking like an all day kinda day
The small waves can be fun too! It’s the motion in the ocean
John out there scoring a bunch of waves and enjoying his trip to Nica fosho
Look at that glassy peeler of a wave, it is just beautiful am I right
The wind seems to be back to the regular offshore flow, we were getting some swirls off cross shore but no onshore today (knocks on wood) so things are looking good!
There was a lot of current in the water this morning, it was pulling south and west out toward the abyss of the Pacific Ocean, Rick was out there shooting and told me it was some of the strongest current he’s ever felt here. This surfer got caught in the current and was having some trouble getting back in, luckily our super awesome crew of Lifeguards noticed and went down to help give that little bit of extra help to make sure he made it back to firm ground safely. Thank you Beach Patrol!! Thank you Megan and your crew, ya’ll are literally lifesavers. Cheers everybody! Have a great day and a wonderful weekend! We’ll be back with more highlights for you tomorrow. Hasta luego
Hey everyone! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The conditions were very similar to yesterday, possibly a little bigger on the sets.
Hello and welcome back to the daily surf report from your friends here at SurfNSR! Today was beautiful out and the sun was shining bright after a long rainy night. The conditions were sub-optimal today but there were still some really fun waves.