Hi, folks this is Jairo “Come Pan” Panic welcoming you to the Wednesday surf report. It has been raining all day so we decided to take some pics of the Bay, it was crowded out there, the waves were fun, it was running about waist to chest high on sets, the wind is onshore. Check it out.

Today not only were there a lot of local surfers out there, we also had quite a few foreign surfers trying to get their share. Here we have one of them taking off on a really fun looking left.

Hey guys I want to share with you a really good adventure that we had today with some good friends. As you can see we have a sick shot of a beautiful Waterfall that is very close to town.

This is another good photo of the same Waterfall from a different perspective. If you come to San Juan Del Sur you can ask around to see if one of the locals can show you this beautiful spot. I am sure that they will show you the way.

This is a shot of the whole group that we took with us on our little adventure. Does this look like fun or what? It is amazing the things you can find other than just surfing the whole time you go on vacation. So if you come to Nicaragua and the wind is onshore do your best to be more open minded and the possibilities will be endless.

It was quite a hike to get here so as you can see we had to have a little fun on the way. This is our group trying to take down “The Bull” Codo Lopez , and let me tell you it wasn’t easy. As far as the weather goes, it could have been better, but we had such a good time that I don’t think it really mattered to any of us.

Hey hey amigos! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but a new novelty peak started working. I’ve dubbed it “Sterling’s Left”.